On May of 2003 this image was captured by NASA using the Hubble telescope and they referred to it as the "Eye of God". What it actually depicts is the so-called Helix Nebula, described by astronomers as "a trillion-mile-long tunnel of glowing gases." At its center is dying star which has ejected masses of dust and gas to form tentacle-like filaments stretching toward an outer rim composed of the same material. Our own sun may look like this in several billion years. Then a few days later NASA realized that one of the Hubble telescopes mirrors was askew and when they refocused it they were shocked to learn there was actually two of these eyes side my side each other.
The Gods Eye Nebula
On May of 2003 this image was captured by NASA using the Hubble telescope and they referred to it as the "Eye of God". What it actually depicts is the so-called Helix Nebula, described by astronomers as "a trillion-mile-long tunnel of glowing gases." At its center is dying star which has ejected masses of dust and gas to form tentacle-like filaments stretching toward an outer rim composed of the same material. Our own sun may look like this in several billion years. Then a few days later NASA realized that one of the Hubble telescopes mirrors was askew and when they refocused it they were shocked to learn there was actually two of these eyes side my side each other.
Welcome the Children of the Sun
At 11:45pm EST till 4:00am PST there will be a portal of Universal sorts that will open to allow the Children of the Sun to enter our world so they can provide us the positive energy we need to obtain our goals, dreams, and ambitions that will enable us to help the rest of humanity to provide a positive future for all.
Upon this New Years Eve we are experiencing a Blue Moon and a Lunar Eclipse as well. The last lunar eclipses were July 7, 2009 and August 5, 2009 and the parallel is that there were two lunar eclipses within a month of each other (similar to the blue moon). They were not in the same month but they were approximately 32 days apart.
Astrologically speaking, eclipses describe energy that needs to be released, moved or transformed and experiencing two within one month is a lot for people to handle and cope with. 2009 was a very difficult year and the astrology for 2009 has shown this as well. A Full moon (lunar) eclipse is about endings and completions as well as letting go and releasing old baggage that doesn’t serve you any longer. A Full moon eclipse is also about celebrations, which is perfect for New Years Eve! The signs that will be most affected by this Lunar Eclipse will be Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. With the Sun being in Capricorn (structure) and the Moon being in Cancer (family) this eclipse will bring attention to the fundamentals in life and what needs to be done to make sure your lifestyle is in sync with your true core beliefs. And if your core beliefs are not in sync with the life you are living then this is where your work will begin.
And this is why we must focus our energy on the creative forces we channel in our lives and help draw the Children of the Sun into our realm, it will all help in bringing this apex of creation to a much needed source of change in all of our lives. Higher numbers of earth souls are needed to carry out special missions related to mass fear control, uplifting communications, technological interface, information transference and the directing of certain light and sound ray frequency.
For those of us still holding patterns of fear and doubt regarding extraterrestrial relations, we call forth instant removal of all remaining fears, belief systems, blockages and implants that prevent us from fully connecting with greater cosmic truth, our galactic signature and inter-stellar origins. We also ask for the immediate removal of any and all obstacles preventing greater telepathic ability with the many cosmic beings assisting Earth at this time.
We radiate this focus of light and world service through planetary Crystalline Grid transference with intention to reach the higher consciousness of humans worldwide. Our grid intention is upon the reduction of fear trigger response and emotional anxiety in the mass collective consciousness field regarding alien life and their arrival to Earth. From our own extraterrestrial truer self, we feel and transmit love, truth, acceptance and peace.
Please click the link below to learn more about the Children of the Sun and help our Universal brothers and sisters in cause we need all the support we can get.
Children of the Sun welcomes all “Ambassadors of Love” who desire to be a part of this global mission. We’re receiving the galactic signal and our star tribe is called forth, a family of souls who feel magnetized to this level of service in Love, unification and collective collaboration.
As humble servants to Divine Will, we unify in supreme integrity, self mastery and alignment to Divine Principle and Universal Law. We serve in the Oneness and as exemplars of the New Earth paradigm.
This is our highest responsibility.
Through the power of unified Love our creative potential is… boundless!
Are You A Vanguard?
We the Children Born of the Sun
I think continually of those who were truly great. Who, from the womb, remembered the soul's history through corridors of light where the hours are suns, endless and singing...

...the names of those who in their lives fought for life, who wore at their hearts the fire's center. Born of the sun, they traveled a short while toward the sun and left the vivid air signed with their honor.
We believe we're free strings to act autonomous of our physical world even though it's evident, all people, plants and animals diverged from a common LIFE source...but because our imaginations can consciously separate our extreme individualism from the reality that binds us to nature, we do not realize within the communities humans DIDN'T organize the environmental necessity of re Establishing Peace.
We the Vanguard.....WILL!
.....for to be Governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by Creatures who have NEITHER the WISDOM nor the VIRTUE to do so. To be Governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, and punished.
It is under pretext of public utility, and in the name of general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, spit on, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored.
THAT IS GOVERNMENT; THAT IS JUSTICE; THAT IS MORALITY. (P.J. Proudhon, General idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century.
We believe we're free strings to act autonomous of our physical world even though it's evident, all people, plants and animals diverged from a common LIFE source...but because our imaginations can consciously separate our extreme individualism from the reality that binds us to nature, we do not realize within the communities humans DIDN'T organize the environmental necessity of re Establishing Peace.
We the Vanguard.....WILL!
.....for to be Governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by Creatures who have NEITHER the WISDOM nor the VIRTUE to do so. To be Governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, and punished.
It is under pretext of public utility, and in the name of general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, spit on, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored.
THAT IS GOVERNMENT; THAT IS JUSTICE; THAT IS MORALITY. (P.J. Proudhon, General idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century.
We who are the TRUE CHILDREN of the SUN, the VANGUARD, the WATCHERS, or Generation WHY? Know the difference between these distinct realities. Those who do not, we pray for their awakening to the TRUE SOURCE of knowledge.
Time to Awakening
The REAL Beginning~
Never before since creation began has there been such a time as the one in which we are now living.
Never before has so much change been taking place on our planet, so fast.
Never before has there been a push for mankind to awaken to it true reality, its true being-ness.
Never before has this planet had to endure such gargantuan pressures of high frequencies, as are being beamed down to us now.
Never before in recorded science has the frequency of the earth changed from its constant vibration of 7.85 MHz to 10 times more than that, and science does not understand.
We are no longer "entering into" we are already in the most spectacularly exciting age this little jewel of the universe has ever known, the age for which this planet was designed, and the age that we all came to be a part of.
Mankind is waking up to its own divinity, a process that is both stupendously thrilling and horrifically painful, for the wake up process demands uncompromising change. Most assuredly, not all share this desire to awaken, much less change, and not all will choose to participate at this time, if ever.
Prophets, seers, and even biblical writers have foretold this time for ages. According to their ancient interpretations, sometimes w/revelations of apocalyptic horrors, sometimes w/visions of the end of time, sometimes w/prophecies of rapture beyond imagination, they could see that mankind was in for unimaginable alterations. What none of those visionary souls could grasp were the WHYS of these times, or the physics that will, or will not cause them to become a reality. This is, in part, what you have signed up to help accomplish. Man(meaning mankind, not the physical being) is in the process of becoming that which it has never been before, a realized god incarnate. Man is becoming a fully aware, fully enlightened, fully awakened Self, a Source, and a Creator, all in one. Yet not even the originator of this particular universe knows exactly how it will turn out. All the universes within the omniverse wait and watch w/zealous anticipation."Will it work? Will countless eons of planning and maneuvering pay off? Will mankind birth itself into a new reality and new species of divinity? So far we're making it. So far, so good. But we're not there, yet! The call is out, and every single one of us on this planet has gotten that call. This is it. The time is now. It's either you get your act together and move into this business of waking up to Who and What you are, or you're going to be left behind....WAY behind." Why? Because it will be zillions of years before what is being called a "birthing," like the one we're about to experience, will ever happen again. Not a fun thought.
So you are reading this because you are one who feels the push. You are waking up to your own divinity. You sense the urgency to know and to make the connection w/your God self, the God you truly are. You sense the urgency to do whatever needs to be done to allow this never before seen event to happen to you and to all who desire to come on board now. The time is now. This is it. It is time to wake up!
Never, ever alone!
Where did we ever get this foolish idea that we are alone in the universe, or that we're here by some dumb stroke of either good or bad luck?
Where do we come off thinking that divine intervention is exclusive to biblical times, or is just a storyline from a TV show about angels?
At this very moment, there are hundreds of thousands of entities in the unseen around Earth, mostly specialists, some good/some bad, who are working feverishly to bring about this apex of creation. But we go slobbering about, thinking we're all by our poor lonesomes, that nobody loves us, and that the troubles of the world are on our shoulders alone. No statement ever made could be farther from the truth.
We were loved into existence to experience life for that which created us, and to be the extension of that Creator. Once hatched into Light, we took it up from there, learning about rights and wrongs, happiness and pain, and what makes it all happen. Gradually we matured. Then, as physicality became a viable reality, plans were laid for us to become what had never been before....God, man, realized.
Though such plans were laid countless eons ago, we are now living the execution of that incredible blueprint.
And yes...Time is collapsing. But there will be no end to our world, although those who do believe the end of the world to be close at hand will eventually experience catastrophic horrors. At the same time, a form of heaven on earth will be present for many of us, but not for all, for fear of awakening to one's full, radiant beauty is far too for most, even for those who wait for "the rapture."
Not an easy time~
This "birth" will not be all fun and games. With the unfathomably high energies our planet is now receiving to push this process forward, many will crack emotionally under the intensely high pressures. Unresolved issues that may have been easily resolved, or purposely forgotten, will rise like barbaric beasts from within those who insist on denying their DIVINITY. SUICIDES will be common. Psychiatrists' couches will be overloaded, as will mental institutions. Deaths of all kinds will increase dramatically through disease, natural disasters and mechanical failures of all kinds, as millions upon millions unconsciously choose to remove themselves from these emotional pressures raging around our world today.
One thing you must know:
We who decide to accept this challenge to awaken are pioneers of the highest sense. Oh sure, there have been Ascensions before, by the thousands. And there have been Masters of the Esoteric who could teleport and morph and do all those fun things. BUT NO HUMAN HAS BEEN WHERE WE ARE GOING. NO ONE! NO ONE HAS EVER BECOME THE TOTALITY OF THEIR OWN SOURCE. We are the Vanguard, the volunteers who walk in front of the group to SLASH a path through the untrodden jungle getting scratched and mauled without ANY thanks for OUR
With millions on this path to Awakening, most of society remains terrified of us, for we represent a shift so HUGE, they don't care to even contemplate it. THAT will not change in our lifetime. You cannot present an entrenched bodily mass with such a drastic new potential and expect it to welcome such MASSIVE required changes with open arms.
What will change for us is our way of life. As much of this world becomes ever more paranoid, we will awaken one day.. to find.. an.. exquisite joy of living in a very new world. The good news is we have all the help we require to make this amazing transition. All we have to do is ask, and we will be shown in a WINK.
Making way for the New~
...... And thats what this is really all about...cleaning out the old residue to make ready for what's coming down the pike for us, just around the corner.
...... It's about reconnecting with old friends in the unseen to help us move through some potentially tough, personal times.
...... It's about learning the physics involved in this overnight evolution of the human species.
...... It's about taking CONTROL of OUR LIVES to have the gaiety, prosperity, and ongoing joy that is so necessary to pull off this mindbogglingly transition of the creation of divine man. (meaning mankind)
...... So crank up your passion and put your fears to rest. Sure, we're gonna have some bumps in the road ahead, but who cares? You'll know what to do with them when they come, and then turn them into breathtaking rewards.
...... You're gonna learn the art of deliberate creation instead of creation by so called happenstance.
...... You're going to learn how to connect with your own divinity, at any time, in any where.
...... You're going to learn how to live without PAIN, or STRUGGLE, or even WORRY.
...... In short, you are going to learn to become in a short period of time, the magnificent being you came here to be so that you can move on....go beyond...and come Home to a newness so unimaginable books rarely have touched upon it.
And yes...Time is collapsing. But there will be no end to our world, although those who do believe the end of the world to be close at hand will eventually experience catastrophic horrors. At the same time, a form of heaven on earth will be present for many of us, but not for all, for fear of awakening to one's full, radiant beauty is far too for most, even for those who wait for "the rapture."
Not an easy time~
This "birth" will not be all fun and games. With the unfathomably high energies our planet is now receiving to push this process forward, many will crack emotionally under the intensely high pressures. Unresolved issues that may have been easily resolved, or purposely forgotten, will rise like barbaric beasts from within those who insist on denying their DIVINITY. SUICIDES will be common. Psychiatrists' couches will be overloaded, as will mental institutions. Deaths of all kinds will increase dramatically through disease, natural disasters and mechanical failures of all kinds, as millions upon millions unconsciously choose to remove themselves from these emotional pressures raging around our world today.
One thing you must know:
We who decide to accept this challenge to awaken are pioneers of the highest sense. Oh sure, there have been Ascensions before, by the thousands. And there have been Masters of the Esoteric who could teleport and morph and do all those fun things. BUT NO HUMAN HAS BEEN WHERE WE ARE GOING. NO ONE! NO ONE HAS EVER BECOME THE TOTALITY OF THEIR OWN SOURCE. We are the Vanguard, the volunteers who walk in front of the group to SLASH a path through the untrodden jungle getting scratched and mauled without ANY thanks for OUR
With millions on this path to Awakening, most of society remains terrified of us, for we represent a shift so HUGE, they don't care to even contemplate it. THAT will not change in our lifetime. You cannot present an entrenched bodily mass with such a drastic new potential and expect it to welcome such MASSIVE required changes with open arms.
What will change for us is our way of life. As much of this world becomes ever more paranoid, we will awaken one day.. to find.. an.. exquisite joy of living in a very new world. The good news is we have all the help we require to make this amazing transition. All we have to do is ask, and we will be shown in a WINK.
Making way for the New~
...... And thats what this is really all about...cleaning out the old residue to make ready for what's coming down the pike for us, just around the corner.
...... It's about reconnecting with old friends in the unseen to help us move through some potentially tough, personal times.
...... It's about learning the physics involved in this overnight evolution of the human species.
...... It's about taking CONTROL of OUR LIVES to have the gaiety, prosperity, and ongoing joy that is so necessary to pull off this mindbogglingly transition of the creation of divine man. (meaning mankind)
...... So crank up your passion and put your fears to rest. Sure, we're gonna have some bumps in the road ahead, but who cares? You'll know what to do with them when they come, and then turn them into breathtaking rewards.
...... You're gonna learn the art of deliberate creation instead of creation by so called happenstance.
...... You're going to learn how to connect with your own divinity, at any time, in any where.
...... You're going to learn how to live without PAIN, or STRUGGLE, or even WORRY.
...... In short, you are going to learn to become in a short period of time, the magnificent being you came here to be so that you can move on....go beyond...and come Home to a newness so unimaginable books rarely have touched upon it.
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