Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.

Dealing with Anger


Information and techniques are constantly passed our via many a source, it can be from right here, a magazine, a radio show, the TV, and the best as far as I am concerned is from a friend. So today when I awoke I was on a social network and read something posted by my friend Heather and I feel it is such a great piece of information that I must share it here.

Posted on Indigo Healing Group by Waseema Ryklief

We are being challenged more and more to look at ourselves honestly, to see what’s hiding in our shadow selves-(the place within ) where our fears, anger, hurts, jealousies, resentments and so forth dwell. How are we challenged? This comes in the form of our relationships and co-existence with others.
When the day begins with a series of signs; we have an argument with our partner over breakfast, we get stuck in traffic, drivers hurl abuse at each other, folks have no respect and think only of themselves, someone steals our parking bay, we get to work and no one holds the lift and so we wait. We arrive at work, our boss already has it in for us, piles on the work and expects it now. We see ahead another thankless, frustrating day. We feel upset, angry, resentful and alone. The world seems to be against us… sound familiar?

We have all experienced this scene in some form or another. The people around us manage to push our buttons, we try to stay calm, but slowly the anger builds. We either suppress these feelings inside or keep quiet or we explode.

Anger is a fear based reaction; anger is a buildup of emotions that have not been cleared and dealt with and almost always has a root cause in a past event. Anger can be aimed at anything, a person, oneself, a system, a race, a belief etc. Wars have been fought because of power, control and anger.

It's an emotion that pops up in our lives again and again.
It follows us whether within ourselves or we see it in other people.
Anger needs to be cleared on a daily basis in order for us to live a more peaceful and productive life.

The world is a big mirror, reflecting back our strengths and weaknesses. As we clear our issues the mirror is no longer required. In this way, as we rid ourselves of anger, situations that cause us to experience this feeling, no longer need to occur. With a sense of awareness, as to why these situations occur, we begin to use them as warning signs, that there is something we are not seeing within ourselves and by acknowledging this, we can begin the clearing process.

image by AmberMidnight

The mind is a powerful tool and it can convince us that we have released and cleared a pattern or situation, when in fact we are still holding on to a part of this. Anger is never cleared immediately, if there is a deep seated issue linked to this emotion (the root is mostly childhood pain/trauma, a feeling of powerlessness that an adult had over us) and help may be required to start a releasing process and to clear the issue completely and effectively. It becomes a journey of understanding; we learn how to defuse the triggers. We begin to understand why we react. We look at the situation from another point of view, as it may look very different from that angle.

We have the choice how we choose to react. No one can force us to react in a certain way. Fact is that there will always be someone or something that will trigger anger. How fast we are able to clear this depends on us and our willingness to work on it. It is good to become aware of how we react, how we choose to understand both our emotional reactions and those of the other person.

For example: the rude driver may be having a really bad day and let us not forget that we most likely have also reacted in this manner either towards ourselves or another at some point in our life. With this in mind let us practice LOVE Send love and light to the driver and bless them. This can be really uplifting and as we bless others so are we blessed in return.