Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.

Messages From The Stars.

Realizing that our bodies are primarily made of water, carbon, oxygen, and electricity....or energy as I prefer to believe, those 21 grams of weight that disappear immediately upon death have to be something now don't they? 
Well I have a fond attraction for Horoscopes, and I am very odd and selective with who's interpretations I will read, and I am even odder with when I will read them. I feel if you start your day off reading them in advance start of your day, week, month and possible year there may be a subliminal impact of how you may actually live your Life.
But the reality of the matter for me is that I do feel that the Moon, the Sun, the planets do have a correlation with how we live....if the Moon is known to affect the tidal currents and our bodies have a large percentage of water in them, how one may NOT think that they do play a significant part of our being is beyond me.

So from time to time I will post excerpts of my horoscope for the generality and moral message of wisdom it may share, this particular one is by Rob Brezsny and his website is and I really enjoy his style of interpretation and his approach in it's deliverance. 

"Philosopher David Pearce is committed to the abolition of suffering. While he acknowledges that we've got a long way to go before accomplishing that goal, he believes it's possible, mostly with the help of technology. More than two millennia ago, Buddha also articulated a vision for the cessation of suffering. His methods revolve around psychological and spiritual work. In light of your current astrological omens, Aries, I think it's an excellent time to contribute to this noble enterprise. Your level of suffering is rather low these days, which could give you a natural boost if you set in motion some long-term strategies for reducing the pain that you experience and the pain that you cause."

Now David Pearce is a British philosopher of the negative utilitarian school of ethics. He believes and promotes the idea that there exists a strong ethical imperative for humans to work towards the abolition of suffering in all sentient life.
His book-length internet manifesto The Hedonistic Imperative details how he believes the abolition of suffering can be accomplished through "paradise engineering". In The Hedonistic Imperative, Pearce outlines how technologies such as genetic engineering, nanotechnology, pharmacology, and neurosurgery could potentially converge to eliminate all forms of unpleasant experience in human life and produce a posthuman civilization.

Pearce co-founded the World Trans-humanist Association (which has since changed its name to Humanity+) with Nick Bostrom, a fellow Oxford philosopher. Humanity+ advocates transhumanism, an ideology and movement which has emerged to support the recognition and protection of the right of citizens either to maintain or modify their own minds and bodies so as to guarantee them the freedom of choice and informed consent of using human enhancement technologies on themselves and their children.

And to learn more about this gentleman you can go to

May these thoughts and points of possible ways to reference Life and our existence in it help guide all who chose to search for those answers they may need for questions about what this Life is really and truly about.....I know in my soul it is more than just working a 9-5 job as a monkey for a boss/corporation/company that pays us peanuts for our hard and sweaty dance we give while they truly benefit for all that we do, as they continue to turn the crank of that machine that forces us to need that green in order to sustain a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, and clothes on our backs.

For one thing, Monkeys DO NOT NEED PEANUTS, they need freenanas....which is my term for bananas, because as far as I can see they have not been banned yet. It has been documented that 2 freenanas have enough potassium in them to snap someone out of a depression or as I care to call those moments an unhappiness. I also care to use the phrase "nervous breakups" instead of "nervous breakdowns"....personally, the few times in my Life I feel like I was having one of those moments the end result seemed to actually break everything up that was keeping or dragging me down. To be or not to be the Monkey is the question one must ask themselves, in this constant evolution of our genetic revolution on this planet will we make it to the next level...will we attain Heaven, cause this reality we live in now cannot be it....nor can it be limbo. Heaven and Limbo, to my researched knowledge do not have pain, suffering, cancer, fear, death, hate or any other type of thing that may suppress one from  a higher level of this must be Hell with only glimpses of Nirvana.

They choice is ALWAYS yours to make, there is three sides to every coin, the heads, the tails, and where the two meet....the edge, and this IS where you will always find me. I believe I am part of generation "Y" and not generation "X", the "X" resembles to close to a target I care not to wear on  my back....but I will constantly question everything and myself until I learn different.

Are We Ready For Change?

In the social networking site Facebook, they offer users the ability to create applications, now an application is a computer program designed to help people perform a certain type of work. An application thus differs from an operating system (which runs a computer), a utility (which performs maintenance or general-purpose chores), and a programming language (with which computer programs are created). Depending on the work for which it was designed, an application can manipulate text, numbers, graphics, or a combination of these elements. Some application packages offer considerable computing power by focusing on a single task, such as word processing; others, called integrated software, offer somewhat less power but include several applications. 

Now one of these applications in Facebook is a survey/quiz called "Which Planet Do You Come From?" and the end result of this application is a name and a description of what race and planet you may have actually came from. Well, the only way I feel this is possible for me is through the genetic encoding of my matter what, where, or who I am, I do believe that the residents of humans were birthed out of Love.

Here is a listing of the species and planets as written in this application~

Vega is in the constellation Lyra, near Taurus, and has two suns and two moons. Vega is a planet of divine balance between the feminine and the masculine. Beings from the Vega star system are 5th dimensional beings who communicate and express themselves through consciousness and telepathy. A being from Vega is very intelligent, with talents diverse ranging from the healing arts, to technology, to finance and economic structuring and balancing. If you are Vegan you are here to help awaken the planet to a higher consciousness, through the balancing of polarities. Many incarnated Vegas now practise Buddhism or walk a path of perfect harmony and balance. 



Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the night sky, in the constellation Bootes about 36 light years from Earth, and its name is roughly translated to mean "Guardian of the Bear". Beings from Arcturus are of 5th dimensional consciousness who are expert energy workers and light healers. Arcturus is a portal between the 3rd and 5th dimensions, the realms of physical and spiritual reality. If you are of Arcturian origin you are an extremely evolved and love motivated being with strong healing powers and a desire to help humanity in every way you can.



You are a Pleiadian! The Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters) is in the constellation Taurus, about 400 light years away from Earth. Pleiadians are 5th and 6th dimensional beings of Light. Some have made the journey to earth to help us evolve to a higher dimension. Pleiadians are so spiritually evolved that they no longer require a physical body. They are beings of light energy. Some of them are here as guides in energetic form, others have incarnated in physical bodies, like you, and are here to help the Earth awaken to Love, Peace and Harmony.



You are Sirian, from the planet Sirius (also known as the Dogstar). Sirius is actually home to feline Christ energy, and beings from Sirius will have strong ties to ancient Egypt and Maya culturally. A strong tie to the Ascended Masters, enlightenment, and spiritual growth will be prominent in your life. Sirius is within our Solar system, being a short 4.5 light years away from Earth. As a being from Sirius, follow your highly developed intuition, and allow your heart to spread healing and love everywhere you go!

And there was this one called~


And the race of beings is called the Anunnaki, but the idea of the Nibiru collision originated with Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman who claims that as a girl she was contacted by gray extraterrestrials called Zetas, who implanted a communications device in her brain. In 1995, she founded the website ZetaTalk to disseminate her ideas. Lieder first came to public attention on internet newsgroups during the build-up to Comet Hale-Bopp's 1997 perihelion. She stated, speaking as the Zetas, that "The Hale-Bopp comet does not exist. It is a fraud, perpetrated by those who would have the teeming masses quiescent until it is too late. Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer." She claimed that the Hale-Bopp story was manufactured to distract people from the imminent arrival of a large planetary object, "Planet X", which would soon pass by Earth and destroy civilization.
After Hale-Bopp's perihelion revealed it as one of the brightest and longest-observed comets of the last century, Lieder removed the first two sentences of her initial statement from her site, though they can still be found in Google's archives. Her claims eventually made the New York Times. Lieder described Planet X as roughly four times the size of the Earth, and said that its perigee would occur on May 27, 2003, resulting in the Earth's rotation ceasing for exactly 5.9 terrestrial days. This would be followed by the Earth's pole destabilizing in a pole shift (a physical pole shift, with the Earth's pole physically moving, rather than a geomagnetic reversal) caused by magnetic attraction between the Earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet. This in turn would disrupt the Earth's magnetic core and lead to subsequent displacement of the Earth's crust. After the 2003 date passed without incident, Lieder said that it was merely a "White Lie ... to fool the establishment," And said that to disclose the true date would give those in power enough time to declare martial law and trap people in cities during the shift, leading to their deaths. She still insists that the Zetas tell her that Planet X is coming and that a more specific passage timeline will be forthcoming possibly by mid-2010. Lieder's Planet X idea first spread beyond her website in 2001, when Mark Hazlewood, a former member of the ZetaTalk community, took her ideas and published them in a book: Blindsided: Planet X Passes in 2003. Lieder would later accuse him of being a confidence trickster.
Japanese cult the Pana Wave Laboratory, which famously blocked off roads and rivers with white cloths to protect itself from electromagnetic attacks, also warned that the world would end in May 2003 after the approach of a tenth planet. Many internet sites continue to proclaim that "Planet X" or "Nibiru" is en route to Earth, often citing its arrival date as December, 2012. This date has gathered many apocalyptic associations, as it is the end of the current cycle (baktun) in the long count in the Mayan calendar. Several writers have published books connecting the Nibiru collision with 2012, including Marshall Masters and Jaysen Rand. Hazlewood has since changed his views on Planet X, and now says that there are intelligent alien forces acting to protect us as a species, and that we are set to ascend to a higher level of consciousness in 2012.

Now taking in all this "knowledge" can be very overwhelming, but I believe if you are reading this right now you do feel the push for a change and the change IS happening inside you as you read this. All of this is up to your own interpretation of how you may choose to absorb it, use it, and even share it if you feel so compelled. I have decided to end this posting with this thought, if we (meaning mankind) truly believe we are the only intelligent lifeforms in such an endless Universe then the Universe is in some sad shape, cause we are self destructive and raping our planet of all it's natural resources and polluting the rest. I believe Ernest Cline says it best in his video posted directly below, to learn more about Ernest go to so give his video a good intake using your senses and dance monkey dance! 

Much to Learn

With the ever changing Universe there is much that humanity does not understand or some even willing to even begin to comprehend, and it boggles my to think that many truly believe that we ARE the only intelligent Life in the Universe. If this is the case then I know that humanity is surely doomed, but I am going to keep my freedom of thought as my right to think anything I care to and I will remain to only share my thoughts with those who are willing to question reality, government, and the world as a whole. 

Thomas Jefferson was quoted to say, "The man who would choose security over freedom deserves neither." And I cannot agree even more with such a true statement, many people tend to buy into this FEAR propaganda that is fueled by those that prefer to enslave mankind for their selfish purposes and I will not buy into this train of thought one cent. 

It is time to wake up people, it is time to see that humanity is on the brink of an evolution of our species and shake off the old ways and create the new. 

Digital image processing is so advanced these days that it would be easy to dismiss the above picture as simply having been Photo-shopped, but this is not the case, you be your own judge.