Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.

Moving Forward

In my constant search of answers to the esoteric perused many pieces of literature and one book in particular is called The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by the author Tom Wolfe, and was published in 1968 which was a few years before my time to arrive into this brave new world. It is a story of Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters and their travels across the United States in a painted bus similar to the one depicted above, taking various forms of psychedelics especially LSD in search of obtaining a higher form of mental and spiritual consciousness. Along the way when others would join to "tune out and drop in" they would ask them, "Are you on the bus?"

That question referred to a state of moving forward in this "new" realm of consciousness, almost a Universal Consciousness.....I can only imagine it being in the realms of what Carl Jung has written. My thoughts began to question our birthing unto our planet....we were birthed here out of Love or so I care to believe. And a Love so enormous that one would never consider harming another for any reason what so ever.....but somewhere....sometime....borders were drawn on the land of mankind, religion became most important....more important than the Love for one another. Our Love was under an illusionary guise that material objects such as rocks and metals became more important for us than Love, religions separated themselves and took humanity along with it....each caring to believe in their own separate God, Ra, Jah, Buddha, Judah.....which ever seemed to work for each individual....then our Love for each others own faith became more important than the others....the whole time quickly losing our grasp of the true faith that kept us all together, warm, and whole.....Love. 

Well we may not be able to turn back the hands of time but we can move forward, perhaps even time travel, the popular law of medicine otherwise known as the A.M.A. states that the fastest any person can react to any outside stimuli is 1/25th of a second....and most of mankind reacts to the things happening around us much slower. This is why alcohol impairs ones slows down the mental process of proper thinking, but I have met a few people in my Life that become quick witted and sharped detailed after a few drinks, I like to believe they have thicker blood.

Now there have been a few individuals that have been recorded it time to have a reaction time much faster than stated above, one in particular is a man named Bruce Lee. He had been recorded to have a reaction time closer to 1/22nd of a second....this to me created the idea that he was "time traveling", for he had the ability to see things happening around us at a faster reaction time than most, so he could move accordingly. 


But what does this all mean you may ask? Well, it means to me that no matter how broke any of us ever get we must ALWAYS be willing to afford to PAY ATTENTION....and when the world begins to get "on the bus" of feeling this enormous urge to Love one another with compassion and understanding, mankind may actually begin to heal itself of one of it's greatest cancers inflicting it today. That "cancer" ladies and gentlemen is Apathy.....and true healing of this world will come through the gateways of perception via Empathy, and on this note I care to let all these words resonate in your minds with this video by a man named Richie Havens & Groove Armada. Richie opened the Woodstock Festival in 1969 and I am glad he is still around to release songs such as the one below.

Enlightened Thoughts


So amongst many of the enlightened thoughts and knowledge that comes my way one is actually a man named Tom Kenyon who is one of the worlds most respected "sound healers" and since we are vibrational beings how one may believe sound does not heal us in one form or another is beyond me. 

Has it not been said that music can sooth the savage beast, and well from working in music venues around the explosion of the "Grunge" era in Seattle I can also say that music can fuel or awaken the savage beast too. 

But this man has a true gift for striking a chord inside your body...right on down to the soul....and his tonal range and change reminds me slightly of Tuvian throat singers mixed with Gregorian Monks. All and all I suggest you give this man a chance and go to and click on the "Sound Gifts" icon and open up your aural synapses for a real treat. Now some of these gifts change but the one that I find rather interesting is the 23rd Psalm, the explanation of it and then to listen and hear it is truly a moving experience. 



So a dear friend of mine has a Aunt named Donna...we are both Aries and our day of birth is not to far apart. She and Dolli are kind of like a surrogate family to me, and a interesting fact is that Donna used to be a Nun, and they made her drop her habit for the fact that she challenges some of the ideas in those holy scriptures. When her and I have the opportunity to talk we dip into theology, quantum physics, numerology, and other forms of the esoteric....I share ideas she has perhaps never had and she helps to point me in spiritual thought directions that I have overlooked or perhaps have not considered. Recently she sent me this email....and I love it so much that I must post it here with some creative images I have found. Enjoy!


The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term. The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. 
One student, however, wrote the following: First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their
religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these
religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we
can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as
they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase
exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell
because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and
pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand
proportionately as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls
enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase
until all Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in
Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman
year that, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and
take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number
two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has
already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has
frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is
therefore, extinct......leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the
existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept
shouting 'Oh my God.'


7 Virtues of Life


So back around November of 2008 I was picking up my X-rays and medication for my broken arm, which is now doing pretty damn well, and I was in a text correspondence with a beauty of soul. Paying closer attention to said correspondence I walked off the elevator and onto the wrong floor.....or was it.

There was multimedia artwork on the walls that caught my eye, and it had to correlate with the 7 Virtues of Life~

The 4 Cardinal Virtues are Prudence, Fortitude, Justice and Temperance, they guide us in matters of living a life of goodness.

Then there are the Virtues of Spirit~Faith, Hope, and Charity, which align us with the light that is both within us and beyond ourselves.

Interesting thing is that this particular gal had questioned me as to if I believe in Revenge, my reply is that I do not believe in Revenge, that word stems from Vengeance which is an excessive act of punishment in retaliation that usually carries an excessive degree of force behind it. My answer, Nope! But I do believe in Justice though~


So heed them Virtues and share them with those who made need to be reminded of them from time to time, Life is a constant test of ones patience, skills, and Love that we have to's a just a shame that some out there believe Holidays are only the best way to share it.

Until that time....I will see you all along that road to the Heavens, Namaste.

Dealing with Anger


Information and techniques are constantly passed our via many a source, it can be from right here, a magazine, a radio show, the TV, and the best as far as I am concerned is from a friend. So today when I awoke I was on a social network and read something posted by my friend Heather and I feel it is such a great piece of information that I must share it here.

Posted on Indigo Healing Group by Waseema Ryklief

We are being challenged more and more to look at ourselves honestly, to see what’s hiding in our shadow selves-(the place within ) where our fears, anger, hurts, jealousies, resentments and so forth dwell. How are we challenged? This comes in the form of our relationships and co-existence with others.
When the day begins with a series of signs; we have an argument with our partner over breakfast, we get stuck in traffic, drivers hurl abuse at each other, folks have no respect and think only of themselves, someone steals our parking bay, we get to work and no one holds the lift and so we wait. We arrive at work, our boss already has it in for us, piles on the work and expects it now. We see ahead another thankless, frustrating day. We feel upset, angry, resentful and alone. The world seems to be against us… sound familiar?

We have all experienced this scene in some form or another. The people around us manage to push our buttons, we try to stay calm, but slowly the anger builds. We either suppress these feelings inside or keep quiet or we explode.

Anger is a fear based reaction; anger is a buildup of emotions that have not been cleared and dealt with and almost always has a root cause in a past event. Anger can be aimed at anything, a person, oneself, a system, a race, a belief etc. Wars have been fought because of power, control and anger.

It's an emotion that pops up in our lives again and again.
It follows us whether within ourselves or we see it in other people.
Anger needs to be cleared on a daily basis in order for us to live a more peaceful and productive life.

The world is a big mirror, reflecting back our strengths and weaknesses. As we clear our issues the mirror is no longer required. In this way, as we rid ourselves of anger, situations that cause us to experience this feeling, no longer need to occur. With a sense of awareness, as to why these situations occur, we begin to use them as warning signs, that there is something we are not seeing within ourselves and by acknowledging this, we can begin the clearing process.

image by AmberMidnight

The mind is a powerful tool and it can convince us that we have released and cleared a pattern or situation, when in fact we are still holding on to a part of this. Anger is never cleared immediately, if there is a deep seated issue linked to this emotion (the root is mostly childhood pain/trauma, a feeling of powerlessness that an adult had over us) and help may be required to start a releasing process and to clear the issue completely and effectively. It becomes a journey of understanding; we learn how to defuse the triggers. We begin to understand why we react. We look at the situation from another point of view, as it may look very different from that angle.

We have the choice how we choose to react. No one can force us to react in a certain way. Fact is that there will always be someone or something that will trigger anger. How fast we are able to clear this depends on us and our willingness to work on it. It is good to become aware of how we react, how we choose to understand both our emotional reactions and those of the other person.

For example: the rude driver may be having a really bad day and let us not forget that we most likely have also reacted in this manner either towards ourselves or another at some point in our life. With this in mind let us practice LOVE Send love and light to the driver and bless them. This can be really uplifting and as we bless others so are we blessed in return.


You Exist.


Once you start to awaken, no one can ever claim you again for the old patterns. Now you realize how precious your time here is. You are no longer willing to squander your essence on undertakings that do not nourish your true self; your patience grows thin with tired talk and dead language. You see through the rosters of expectation which promise you safety and the confirmation of your outer identity. Now you are impatient for growth, willing to put yourself in the way of change. You want your work to become an expression of your gift. You want your relationship to voyage beyond the pallid frontiers to where the danger of transformation dwells.

When you begin to sense that your imagination is the place where you are most divine, you feel called to clean out of your mind all the worn and shabby furniture of thought. You wish to refurbish yourself with living thought so that you can begin to see. 

As Meister Eckhart says: Thoughts are our inner senses. 

When the inner senses are dull and blurred, you can see nothing in or of yourself; you become a respectable prisoner of received images. Now you realize that 'eternal vigilance is the price of liberty' and you undertake the difficult but beautiful path to freedom. On this journey, you begin to see how the sides of your heart that seemed awkward, contradictory and uneven are the places where the treasure lies hidden. 

You begin to become true to yourself. 

And as Shakespeare says in Hamlet: To thine own self be true, then as surely as night follows day, thou canst to no man be false.


The journey shows you that from this inner dedication you can reconstruct your own values and action. You develop from your own self-compassion a great compassion for others. You are no longer caught in the false game of judgment, comparison and assumption. More naked now than ever, you begin to feel truly alive. You begin to trust the music of your own soul; you have inherited treasure that no one will ever be able to take from you. At the deepest level, this adventure of growth is in fact a trans-figurative conversation with your own death. And when the time comes for you to leave, the view from your death bed will show a life of growth that gladdens the heart and takes away all fear.

-John O'Donohue 
© John O’Donohue. All rights reserved. told.


The truth is revealed to you when you are ready to see and transform it. It comes to you as a reminder of where you were not standing in your power, were in fear or doubt or forgot your own divinity. It is not there to remind you of your imperfections, although that is what you might see. This is where you can find the perfection in the perceived imperfections, the rose among what may appear to be a pile of thorns. It is a very powerful realization that can free you from lifetimes of experiences in which you wanted to learn the lesson of truth. When you can see the truth you are ready for the awareness of your power. 

The truth of your past is not the truth of your present moment. 
The truth is revealed when you are ready to resolve your lessons and create new realities.

New Earth Energies


Our life on this planet is about learning.
Every situation in our life is an experience we asked to receive. 
Our beliefs, past thoughts, feelings, and experiences create a continuous and restrictive life pattern that manifests into our daily life. 
Releasing the old restrictive patterns by replenishing old energy with new vibrant energy in our system enhances our daily life and allows us to more easily receive clarification and direction towards manifesting our desired goals and dream life.
Our physical form is the most phenomenal miracle for all us on this planet. 
We take our physical life on this planet for granted and not fully appreciate our physical form or the beautiful planet Earth that is hosting us while we are here.

When we understand and accept that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings trying to become spiritual, our life's meaning changes. 

As spiritual beings we come from a realm of pure love and abundance of all (prosperity, joy, peace, freedom), with a co-creative power to instantly manifest whatever we desire. 
Our human life allows us to experience lessons at a practical level with feelings and emotions.
Every incident in our life is an experience that our Higher Spirit Self (Soul) wants us to feel with knowing.

The planet Earth is the practical lab for us to experience everything we have learned in the Spirit realm. This planet's matrix is made up of polarity, which requires experiencing opposite sides of each lesson. So, when we receive large sums of money (winning the lottery, or gains from stocks or business) we feel immense joy, love, gratitude and acceptance. To complete the lesson the opposite also has to be experienced. 

At some point a large financial loss occurs. The experience is the feeling we go through when this occurs. The normal feeling during a financial loss is depression, anxiety, stress and other strong negative feelings. 

We end up victimizing others and ourselves. 

These negative feelings develop into a deeper hole, which ends up worsening our situation. 
The objective is to graduate from the lesson and move on to the next lesson.
To graduate from the lesson we must feel joy, love, gratitude and acceptance in both experiences. 
To graduate from this specific lesson we must accept the lesson of financial loss, have gratitude and joy with love that we have experienced it. 
Upon full acceptance the loss will be short lived and we move on to the next lesson our Higher Self wants us to experience.

While we are experiencing our life's lessons on this planet, we need to understand that this life we are living is actually a drama for our Higher Self. 
We are the personality self and the main character in our play. All family members, friends and associates are part of our drama playing (friendly and unfriendly) roles to help us with our lessons. Graduation from each lesson is through love, compassion, gratitude and acceptance (no matter how severe the pain). 
Forgiveness comes through love and compassion. 
Being aware that each experience is part of our growth and that each lesson requires love compassion, gratitude and acceptance to complete, will help us flow through life much more easily with a better attitude.
All aspects of our life are experiences we have asked to experience for our growth. 
We have free will and choice at all times. 
Everything we go through in the physical life is through our own creation and doing. Every thought and feeling is registered. Our life path is structured by our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and past patterns ingrained in our system.

We are able to change our life paths by changing our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and past patterns ingrained in our system. We can change our thoughts and feelings to focus on more positive aspects. 

But how do we release our past restrictive patterns ingrained in our system? 

First, we have to understand that our life cycle is not linear. It is actually a circular flow of past, present and future. All past thoughts, experiences, and beliefs manifest our present situations. Our present situation is through our past reflection; this is carried and manifested into the future. This cycle is continuous throughout our whole life. 
The dream future we would like to manifest for ourselves is easier to attain once restricted past ingrained patterns are fully released and removed.  

Affirmation May Inspyre

I dedicate this one to Miss Inspyre and all others that question themselves~

Affirmation means acceptance of your own miraculous complexity. It means saying "yes" to your own being. It means acquiescing to your reality as a spirit in flesh. Within the framework of your own complexity you have the right to say no ' to certain situations, to express your desires, to communicate your feelings.

If you do so, then in the great flow and sweep of your eternal reality there will be an overall current of love and creativity that carries you. Affirmation is the acceptance of yourself in your present as the person that you are. Within that acceptance you may find qualities that you wish you did not have, or habits that annoy you. You must not expect to be "perfect." As mentioned earlier, your ideas of perfection mean a state of fulfillment beyond which there is no future growth, and no such state exists.

"Love your neighbor as yourself" Turn this around and say, "Love yourself as you love your neighbor, " for often you will recognize the goodness in another and ignore it in yourself. Some people believe there is a great merit and holy virtue in what they think of as humility. Therefore to be proud of oneself seems a sin, and in that frame of reference true affirmation of the self is impossible. Genuine self-pride is the loving recognition of your own integrity and value. True humility is based upon this affectionate regard for yourself, plus the recognition that you live in a universe in which all other beings also possess this undeniable individuality and self-worth.

False humility tells you that you are nothing. It often hides a distorted, puffed-up, denied self-pride, because no man or woman can really accept a theory that denies personal self-worth.

Fake humility can cause you to tear down the value of others, because if you accept no worth in yourself you cannot see it in anyone else either. True self-pride allows you to perceive the integrity of your fellow human beings and permits you to help them use their strengths. Many people make a great show out of helping others, for example, encouraging them to lean upon them. They believe this to be a quite holy, virtuous enterprise. Instead they are keeping other people from recognizing and using their own strengths and abilities.

Regardless of what you have been told, there is no merit in self-sacrifice. For one thing it is impossible. The self grows and develops. It cannot be annihilated. Usually, self-sacrifice means throwing the "burden" of yourself upon someone else and making it their responsibility.

A mother who says to her child, "I gave up my life for you, " is speaking nonsense. In basic terms such a mother believes, no matter what she says, that she did not have that much to give up, and the "giving up" gave her a life that she wanted.

A child who says, "I gave up my life for my parents and devoted myself to their care, " means, "I was afraid to live my own life, and afraid to let them live theirs. And so in 'giving up' my life I gained the life I wanted."

Love does not demand sacrifice. Those who fear to affirm their own being also fear to let others live for themselves. You do not help your children by keeping them chained to you, but you do not help your aged parents either by encouraging their sense of helplessness. The ordinary sense of communication given you through your creature hood, if spontaneously and honestly followed, would solve many of your problems. Only repressed communication leads to violence. The natural force of love is everywhere within you, and the normal methods of communication are always meant to bring you in greater contact with your fellow creatures.

Love yourselves and do yourselves just honor, and you will deal fairly with others. When you say "no, " or deny, you always do so because in your mind and feelings, a present situation, or a proposed one, falls far short of some ideal. The refusal is always in response to something that is considered, at least, to be a greater good. If you do not have too-rigid ideas of perfection, then ordinary denial serves a quite practical purpose. But never negate the present reality of yourself because you compare it to some idealized perfection.

Perfection is not being, for all being is in a state of becoming. This does not mean that all being is in a state of becoming perfect, but in a state of becoming more itself. All other emotions are based on love, and in one way or another they all relate to it, and all are methods of returning to it and expanding its capacities.


You must first love yourself before you love another.

By accepting yourself and joyfully being what you are, you fulfill your own abilities, and your simple presence can make others happy. You cannot hate yourself and love anyone else. It is impossible. You will instead project all the qualities you do not think you possess upon someone else, do them lip service, and hate the other individual for possessing them. Though you profess to love the other, you will try to undermine the very foundations of his or her being.

When you love others, you grant them their innate freedom and do not cravenly insist that they always attend you. There are no divisions to love. There is no basic difference between the love of a child for a parent, a parent for a child, a wife for a husband, a brother for a sister. There are only various expressions and characteristics of love, and all love affirms. It can accept deviations from the ideal vision without condemning them. It does not compare the practical state of the beloveds being with the idealized that is potential....