Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.

7 Virtues of Life


So back around November of 2008 I was picking up my X-rays and medication for my broken arm, which is now doing pretty damn well, and I was in a text correspondence with a beauty of soul. Paying closer attention to said correspondence I walked off the elevator and onto the wrong floor.....or was it.

There was multimedia artwork on the walls that caught my eye, and it had to correlate with the 7 Virtues of Life~

The 4 Cardinal Virtues are Prudence, Fortitude, Justice and Temperance, they guide us in matters of living a life of goodness.

Then there are the Virtues of Spirit~Faith, Hope, and Charity, which align us with the light that is both within us and beyond ourselves.

Interesting thing is that this particular gal had questioned me as to if I believe in Revenge, my reply is that I do not believe in Revenge, that word stems from Vengeance which is an excessive act of punishment in retaliation that usually carries an excessive degree of force behind it. My answer, Nope! But I do believe in Justice though~


So heed them Virtues and share them with those who made need to be reminded of them from time to time, Life is a constant test of ones patience, skills, and Love that we have to's a just a shame that some out there believe Holidays are only the best way to share it.

Until that time....I will see you all along that road to the Heavens, Namaste.

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