The Best Message From God
If God does truly exist, and I AM NOT saying it does not, would not God TRULY LOVE ALL it's children no matter what shape, or size, or share of LOVE????
WE HAVE ARRIVED~The New Holographic Matrices
Lauren C. Gorgo
Lauren C. Gorgo
In your world affairs many are beginning to realize that the truth can no longer be repressed by the few who wish to dominate the land. A tide has turned and the current is too strong to swim against and many are losing the strength to resist the unyielding cosmic flow.
It is, however, with great honor and prestige that the mighty and the few who begin to rise to the surface now will be noticed for their glory in lieu of selfishness or greed. The story of the past can no longer precipitate the planning for the future, for the future beckons new perspective, new levels of consciousness that are rising to serve the planet as a whole. The new stewardship of earth will be governed by those who have attained high levels of light and love within, those who emanate and radiate that light outward to restructure the very particles of matter in existence.
This new type of leadership is coming of age and all those who awaken to serve the new direction of the planet will be swept up in the momentum of the great upward spiral of evolution. Some of the changes will seem simple in nature, yet comprehensive in scope. Some will seem revolutionary.
The new stewards of the land are gearing up to lead the mass population to their destiny now, a destiny which has deep roots in ancient ways. These members of the galactic brigade for a new earth are seeded with the bio-genetic codes of the future and the once dormant receptors encoded within the strands of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are now enlivened.
Activated by consciousness, these genetic triggers are timed by specific levels of electromagnetic frequencies which are now permeating the planet’s bio-sphere, emanating from earth’s central core and radiating from the new sun.
The new stewards of the land are gearing up to lead the mass population to their destiny now, a destiny which has deep roots in ancient ways. These members of the galactic brigade for a new earth are seeded with the bio-genetic codes of the future and the once dormant receptors encoded within the strands of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are now enlivened.
Activated by consciousness, these genetic triggers are timed by specific levels of electromagnetic frequencies which are now permeating the planet’s bio-sphere, emanating from earth’s central core and radiating from the new sun.
Adamantine Particles
The new earth is comprised of crystalline Adamantine particles that are restructuring the very form of matter as humanity awakens to the pure vibration of love. These particulates contain within them the intelligence of divinity in form; new ways of being and living in love.
All matter is composed of intelligent elementary particles responsive to consciousness. The particles of ages past held within them codes of survival mechanisms that resulted in polarity through separation consciousness. Adamantine particles have contained within them the encoded intelligence of harmony, wholeness, of resurrection and unity consciousness.
To access these intelligent codes one must give & receive pure love through the sacred vessel of the high heart. The high heart, directed & regulated by the thymus gland in the physical body, is the center for receiving and radiating the energy of love. This center must be fully charged, fully open and capable to surrender to the higher will to manifest spirit into form.
The higher will is the will of the highest good for all and is contained within the genetic blueprint of each and every incarnate. The purpose of the high heart is to map out the path of universal love for each and every living being through magnetic resonance.
The co-creation of divine love can only be accessed and magnetized through the purity of consciousness which is how those with pure heart will mold and restructure the new earth. What this means on a global scale is exponential, for the technological advancement of the species will be made available through these particles of pure intent for the purposes of global uplift.
The restructuring process will be precipitated by a consistent flow of new intelligence that will permeate any lower existing thought forms contained within the grids of those holographic reality structures.
Those with pure intent will have access to this revolutionary intelligence contained within the advanced particulates of light and rendering much of the old planetary systems obsolete while serving to advance the species through higher intelligence.
Those with contracts to serve on higher planes of existence will in fact be anchoring the new vibrations of earth through the awakened DNA within their human biology. This will serve two purposes…. to fulfill contracts of service through the formation of information super-highways for galactic technology, and to form new holographic matrices for those preparing to embark upon the journey of ascended 5th dimensional living and being.
Many who have attained high levels of truth through the cleansing of toxic karmic debris will be serving in the final frontier. The final frontier is the code given to those who chose to bridge the gap between worlds, rather dimensions, as the examples and way-showers of the pure potentiality available through the matrices of universal love.
These way-showers will be stationed in visible locations as the pioneers of new earth. You who see clearly will be given tools to share your visions with the world. You who know the light and the way will be given the resources to implement those visions into form.
The time has come for those awakened warriors to take the first step in action of ascended living. The first brigade will lead by example and all who follow will continue to pave the way for the future of humanity. As the torch is passed along in service to mother earth and her inhabitants, the light will illuminate every dark corner and revitalize all in its path.
We serve as the council of light overseeing planetary affairs to propel the advancement of the human species through bio-genetic recoding.
These way-showers will be stationed in visible locations as the pioneers of new earth. You who see clearly will be given tools to share your visions with the world. You who know the light and the way will be given the resources to implement those visions into form.
The time has come for those awakened warriors to take the first step in action of ascended living. The first brigade will lead by example and all who follow will continue to pave the way for the future of humanity. As the torch is passed along in service to mother earth and her inhabitants, the light will illuminate every dark corner and revitalize all in its path.
We serve as the council of light overseeing planetary affairs to propel the advancement of the human species through bio-genetic recoding.
Exciting times are upon you!
In gratitude,
Lauren C. Gorgo
William Henry: Stargates and Ascension
Investigative Mythologist William Henry interviewed by Art Bell on the subject of energy vortexes, stargates and ascension.
I do have to disagree with his thoughts about the double helix, cause my memory has been imprinted with the thoughts about a triple helix. And when I say imprinted I mean this cause such thoughts have been in my head since 1rst grade, and I was even illustrating these types of images.
Loser! How About Love?
So many times from many lips I have heard the term "Loser" uttered towards me and to this I must always laugh, do these people say this because they lack the ability to Love themselves? Because when I raise my hand showing a hand configuration in the form of an L, I care to share it for the word Love.
People raise rants about abuse and such, but isn't calling another person a "Loser" abuse in itself? The road we all travel is vast and empty, wide and unknown....but unless we care to travel upon it how will we ever really learn our true potential?
If constantly told we will "never amount to anything" yet we stand and breath and continue to live without committing intentional malice towards another haven't WE truly evolved?
My Mother broke many rules in her Life, one was the dress code at her school, young women in her high school years were required to wear dresses and below the knee skirts that were set as school/social standards in Life. WTF?!?!?!? Who the hell gets the authority to set such standards? What about the young woman who worked after school all day on a farm and found herself wearing bluejeans because they were the appropriate clothing to wear on a farm....but then to take that style of dress and bring into her whole day and Life....she broke the rules. Kudos to my Mom for never sticking to the normalcy that backward thinking people somehow got embedded into their heads.
Some may have called her crazy, but hasn't it always been the "crazed" that have shared such beauty with the world? So when you are in such a hurry to mutter a derogatory word as "loser" I suggest you take a hard look into your own mirror of Life and think about the power of such a word and the loss of power as a human you deplete.
I know I have, many of times....and when one choses to remember only the bad times of their subjected this not a masochistic power play unto themselves? Because to be honest with you all, I prefer to remember all the good times, the laughter, the smiles, the certain way of thinking that helps to keep the heart beat of the World still pulsing.
So as I come to this conclusion I ask that you take a moment and LISTEN to this video posted and NOT watch it first....just listen and hear what is being sung and shared. Only after such a solid moment do I suggest one to pay attention to the visual aspects of it....but all and all, when I raise my hand in such a fashion to form the letter "L"..... I do it for the word LOVE, cause to be honest~
the world needs more Lovers in it than losers, for the government will create more than enough loss for us all on a constant basis and has hardly ever created or demanded more Love for us to produce for there is no real financial gain from such a thing. So lift up your hand when out there in the world and share your Love, if someone mistakes you for calling them a loser....share them these two cents and perhaps they will walk away richer than they were before they started their day.
Artistic Healing
There are many forms art may find it's way in helping to heal and today I was given two different forms, one is audio but I do urge those to go to this site and read the process themselves for it's full enjoyment~
and the other is from an artist I care to state as one of the best street performers I have ever met in my career as an entertainer, David Scherer and hear is one of his websites~
But I have chosen to display his videos here for those that may not care to make the link leap just yet!!
and here is his recent clip in which I ran into him all these years later and was able to finally exchange some info so we may stay in contact with each other.
All and all, I find that these mediums do help heal in one way or another, or at least help to draw up a smile and a laugh, which in my book is some mighty powerful healing. Kudos to these artists for being the creative souls they are and I look forward to their future projects with zeal.
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