Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.

Artistic Healing

There are many forms art may find it's way in helping to heal and today I was given two different forms, one is audio but I do urge those to go to this site and read the process themselves for it's full enjoyment~

<a href="">chillout by zefrank</a>

and the other is from an artist I care to state as one of the best street performers I have ever met in my career as an entertainer, David Scherer and hear is one of his websites~
But I have chosen to display his videos here for those that may not care to make the link leap just yet!!

and here is his recent clip in which I ran into him all these years later and was able to finally exchange some info so we may stay in contact with each other. 

All and all, I find that these mediums do help heal in one way or another, or at least help to draw up a smile and a laugh, which in my book is some mighty powerful healing. Kudos to these artists for being the creative souls they are and I look forward to their future projects with zeal.


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