Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.

Shameless Sharing

Last year I went to San Fran to give my talents a whirl....I most likely would have done better than I did if I did not make the choice to place all my faith and trust in a buddy of mine that has...or hopefully had and may have since changed and lost his controlling ways. You cannot control a force of nature, and everyone of us on this planet IS a force of nature, even if one finds such a thought hard to comprehend, and one thing I learned in my 3 week that many of the agents down there truly care to see a 20 minute video of ones talents. But not just 20 edited minutes, they asked for 20 minutes of very little edited footage in front of an audience, and ANY back round music that plays during ones show must be of original score or proof of permission. So I have been working on some musical pieces for shows I vision myself doing, and on the note....HAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAA, here is a few rough pieces that I care to share for those who may care to listen.

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