Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.


What are unconditional self-acceptance and self-love?

To accept and love yourself unconditionally is to:

* Place no condition on yourself as to how to behave or what to be in order to receive self-acceptance and self-love.
* Not use "if-then" clauses in establishing conditions for accepting and loving yourself.
* Take a risk to be open and vulnerable to who you are with no preset limits or expectations.
* Accept and love yourself for the fact that you exist rather than for what you do.
* Give yourself the respect and latitude to be yourself rather than to be what others want or expect you to be.
* Set the stage for yourself to feel warmth, caring and concern for yourself which results in your growing in self-esteem and self-worth.

How do you feel when you accept and love yourself unconditionally?

When you are the recipient of unconditional self-acceptance and self-love from yourself, you feel:

* Free to be yourself.

* You have value and worth.
* Wanted and desired for you as you are rather than for what you do.
* Listened to and understood.
* That you have yourself to offer others which in itself is worthwhile.
* Warm, cared for and nurtured.
* You are OK just the way you are.
* That there is no need to wear a mask or to act in any way just to please another.
* Free to be yourself and to open up your feelings with no fear of rejection or non-approval.
* That it is possible to take the risk to be vulnerable in order to have open and honest relationships with others.
* No fear of retribution or reprisal from others if you should make a mistake or experience a failure.
* That there are no conditions set on your relationships with yourself.

It is quite simple and there is no need to over complicate things. Step out into the world and look into the sky, smile at yourself and realize that it is all a game and you can choose what you want to feel. Let us choose LOVE... 
Thanks go out to Cosmic Consciousness on facebook and my girl Jessica Comet Energy Meranda for always being a wonderful source of information.

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