Meditative Answering

Meditative Answering
Consider how hard it is to change yourself, then understand what little chance you've got in changing others.

Mercury Retrograde on Sunday the 18th

Mercury - the planet of communication -- turns retrograde in Taurus at 4:06 am UT - April 18 (12:06 am PST- April 18, 9:06 pm EST- April 17). On a basic trivial level, Mercury retrograde means communication delays and foul-ups. Prepare for crashed computers, missing files, emails going astray and friends and business associates not getting back promptly. There will be delays in getting contracts or agreements signed. It is a time that exercises one's patience, nothing catastrophic will happen -- things will all just take more time and will have obstacles.

But there is a deeper meaning to Mercury retrograde which is about looking inwards and finding time in our busy schedule to ask ourselves fundamental questions. So instead of getting uptight about hold-ups, a Mercury retrograde period should be treated as a blessing in disguise. Just as in music, a pause is as important if not more dramatic than a note, here is our chance to go deeper, be reflective, think and not act, listen rather than speak.

Mercury is the most restless of the planets, so it is easy to get our attention and focus scattered so widely, that we are bogged down in detail and trivia, and find ourselves going around in circles. Retrograde periods give as an opportunity to straighten out our thinking. Mercury retrograde is when you can straighten out your thinking. So while we might become very absent-minded during these weeks, this is also a time to enjoy our own company and let our imaginations wander at will. Who knows what inspiration we may come up with? this is an extra about Mercury Retrograde!  

Thanks goes out to Shirley Ponto for this information.

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